September 9, 2014

We've Moved!

The Journey: Beauty from Ashes has a new look and a new home! Please join me over at and be sure to click the follow button to receive updates on blog posts! If you have "liked" or shared posts be sure to do so again! Thank you!

August 15, 2014

Anxiety and Worry

The Journey: Beauty from Ashes has a new look and a new home! Please join me over at and be sure to click the follow button to receive updates on blog posts! If you have "liked" or shared posts be sure to do so again! Thank you!

When life takes over and we have quite a bit on our plate we can become very overwhelmed. I’ve been there many times myself. In some ways I’m there right now so what I’m saying here I’m also prescribing to myself regularly. CONTINUE READING...

August 6, 2014

Ephesians 4:15&16

The Journey: Beauty from Ashes has a new look and a new home! Please join me over at and be sure to click the follow button to receive updates on blog posts! If you have "liked" or shared posts be sure to do so again! Thank you!

May 28, 2014

Like a Slow Drip of Poison

The Journey: Beauty from Ashes has a new look and a new home! You can find this post, Like A Slow Drip of Poison, at and be sure to click the follow button to receive updates on blog posts! If you have "liked" or shared posts be sure to do so again! Thank you!

To tell this part of my story is very difficult for me. While I’m pretty open to talk about other aspects of my story this part I have not shared publicly. My experience at Mars Hill feels small and insignificant when standing next to the many experiences others have endured. 

When Nicholas (my first husband) disappeared in February 2008 CONTINUE READNG... 

February 28, 2014

Hawaiian Meatloaf

The Journey: Beauty from Ashes has a new look and a new home! Please join me over at and be sure to click the follow button to receive updates on blog posts! If you have "liked" or shared posts be sure to do so again! Thank you!

February 5, 2014

The Other Side

The Journey: Beauty from Ashes has a new look and a new home! You can find this post, The Other Side, at and be sure to click the follow button to receive updates on blog posts! If you have "liked" or shared posts be sure to do so again! Thank you!

Six years ago I suffered a deep wound that is still healing. The loss of my first husband, Nicholas, is a wound that cut so deep the depths are immeasurable. During the weeks after that initial day I felt so dark and empty inside. I was pregnant with our third child and knew that I needed to take care of myself but I didn’t care. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t move from my place on my couch where I could see out my window to the place his car should have been parked. I wanted and needed to sit there and wait and watch for that miracle of him coming home to me and our kids. As silly as it sounds I thought that if I sat there long enough his car would pull into the driveway, that this horrible night would just be a nightmare and not be my new reality. CONTINUE READING...

February 4, 2014

Isaiah 43

The Journey: Beauty from Ashes has a new look and a new home! Please join me over at and be sure to click the follow button to receive updates on blog posts! If you have "liked" or shared posts be sure to do so again! Thank you!

January 22, 2014

Before I Speak...

The Journey: Beauty from Ashes has a new look and a new home! Please join me over at and be sure to click the follow button to receive updates on blog posts! If you have "liked" or shared posts be sure to do so again! Thank you!

January 10, 2014

Loaded Creamy Chicken Quinoa Soup

The Journey: Beauty from Ashes has a new look and a new home! Please join me over at and be sure to click the follow button to receive updates on blog posts! If you have "liked" or shared posts be sure to do so again! Thank you!

January 6, 2014

Be Careful Little Mouth...

The Journey: Beauty from Ashes has a new look and a new home! Please join me over at and be sure to click the follow button to receive updates on blog posts! If you have "liked" or shared posts be sure to do so again! Thank you!

We are all drawn to stories; the greatest and truest stories ever written are in the Bible. Why is it that we are so drawn to the ugly stories in life? The ones that reveal another’s wrong doings or embarrassment. Why do we only want the unsightly details and pay no mind to the good ones?